
Can't Be Contained

“Can’t be Contained”, hosted by Samantha Skelly, will bring you captivating conversations with humans who’ve cultivated a path of passion by following their bliss and intuitive hits; those who’ve released ordinary and opted for extraordinary. From spirituality to science, comedy to culture, and everything in between, Sam will share the untold stories of her guests who push boundaries, defy conventional thinking, and have the courage to seek the freedom their souls are desiring. If you're a rebel, rule breaker, or freedom seeker ready to live fully turned on, this show is your permission slip to break the box and follow the unconventional path. Let's be real, we didn't come to this planet to pay bills & die, we came here to live boldly all while enjoying this human adventure. The Pause Breathwork App is the #1 app to clear stress using your breath. You can download the Pause Breathwork App at
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Now displaying: 2021
Dec 9, 2021

In this episode, I spoke with Angie Lee, serial entrepreneur, creator of the top female personal development & business event, Pays To Be Brave. She's a highly sought-after marketing mentor, keynote speaker, podcast host of the Forbes Top 100 "The Angie Lee Show", and co-founder of Soul CBD. The author of "Ready Is A Lie" and I sat down for a candid conversation on how motivation and drive change when you move from fear and the need to prove yourself to the worthiness of knowing you have nothing to prove - it's OK just to be you.

In this episode, Angie Lee shares:

  • How healing the worthiness wound changes your drive and motivation for success
  • The benefit of riding the ego-wave and returning to your center before making key decisions
  • Focusing on your core values and mission to fuel your work with pure intentions 

For full show notes, resources, and links:

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The Sam Skelly Show combines personal development, deep conversations, and comedy to shake up the way you connect with yourself and the world. Be sure to subscribe on Apple Podcasts, so you don't miss an episode!

Dec 1, 2021

In this episode, I spoke with siblings Angie and Mike Lee, co-founders of the multimillion-dollar company Soul CBD on natural healing, supporting your body with plant-based medicine, and the lessons in resilience that come from healing an autoimmune disease and boxing! Mike Lee shares his story of how he went from 8 different medications to manage chronic pain, anxiety and depression, to thriving with the use of CBD. Finally co-founding the now super successful "Soul CBD" a THC-free cannabinoid alternative that won't get you high but will help you heal, with sister Angie Lee. 

In this episode, Mike and Angie Lee share:

  • Common misconceptions around CBD/Hemp and 0%THC CBD Oil 
  • CBD Oil, Plant Medicine, and how to support your health naturally
  • How the lymphatic system works and how to activate it along with the nervous system to lower anxiety and improve sleep 
  • What boxing and autoimmune healing teaches you about resilience, "getting back up," and never losing hope as an entrepreneur 

Get the Pause Breathwork App:

Join the next cohort of the Pause Coaching Certification:

The Sam Skelly Show combines personal development, deep conversations, and comedy to shake up the way you connect with yourself and the world. Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss an episode!

Nov 17, 2021

In this episode, I spoke with Dr. Sam Rader, the creator of Source Code Psychology. We talked about the unconscious algorithms behind negative patterns and the coping mechanisms we create as children to survive. She has expertly grouped these “coping styles” into 12 categories, complete with an antidote, to help people heal and thrive as their true selves and help co-create "heaven on earth". Dr. Sam's book will debut in 2022 with Harper Wave Publishers.

In this episode, Dr. Rader shares:

  • Our personalities get shaped by how we are parented
  • The 12 Coping Styles we adopt during childhood, which helped us then but hurt us now
  • Identifying and healing these unhealthy unconscious patterns

Get the Pause Breathwork App:

The Sam Skelly Show combines personal development, deep conversations, and comedy to shake up the way you connect with yourself and the world. Be sure to subscribe on Apple Podcasts so you don’t miss an episode!

Nov 10, 2021

In this episode, I spoke with astrologer, clinical psychologist, and dancer Debra Silverman. We dove into the common misconceptions around astrology, how knowing your birth chart can unlock your potential for growth, and how it can empower you to embrace the things you struggle with about yourself. 

In this episode, Debra shares:

  • How to use Astrology to navigate duality and the hardships of life 
  • Embracing your "weird" as your strength using your birth chart
  • Adding lightness and joy to your day to effectively balance the "gravity" of life 

For full show notes, resources and links:

Get the Pause Breathwork App:

The Sam Skelly Show combines personal development, deep conversations, and comedy to shake up the way you connect with yourself and the world. Be sure to subscribe on Apple Podcasts so you don’t miss an episode!

Oct 27, 2021

In this episode, I spoke with coach, mentor, and spiritual truth-sayer Guy Ferdman. Guy and I chatted about his movement and his mission to bring ancient spiritual wisdom to the masses. We dove into common misconceptions and myths in the personal development world, the limits of ‘self help,’ and how we can use holistic healing modalities to expand our awareness beyond our conscious minds. Plus, Guy explains why it’s sometimes best to leave your ‘wounds’ alone to help them heal.


In this episode, Guy shares:

  • Common personal development myths (that might be causing more harm than good)
  • Why ‘self help’ often isn’t helping you at all and what to pursue instead
  • How to use energy work to release the obsessive mind and tap into your inner power


For full show notes, resources and links:


Get the Pause Breathwork App:


Join the next cohort of my Pause Facilitator Training:


The Sam Skelly Show combines personal development, deep conversations, and comedy to shake up the way you connect with yourself and the world. Be sure to subscribe on Apple Podcasts so you don’t miss an episode!

Oct 20, 2021

You may be wondering, after all this darkness we’ve been going through, what is possible? I shared some of what I’ve been meditating on in a recent call and wanted to share it on this podcast. I share some of my thoughts on what the ‘New Earth’ will look like and how we can finally live in harmony as team human. It’s all about choosing a new level and being that vibration. This is an inside peek into Pause Breathwork, some of our philosophies and what we are all about.

Inside this episode, I jam on:

  • The 'New Earth' what it looks like and where we are going
  • What's possible for you when we heal through this darkness
  • How to repair broken relationships & finally live in harmony (post pandemic)


Get the Pause Breathwork App:


For full show notes, resources and links:


The Sam Skelly Show combines personal development, deep conversations, and comedy to shake up the way you connect with yourself and the world. Be sure to follow on Apple Podcasts so you don’t miss an episode!

Oct 13, 2021

Have you chosen a path that’s in alignment or are you on the path you think you should take? There are many definitions of success, but at the end of our lives, that success that we followed needs to be something that brought us true joy. In today’s episode, I’m chatting with Zander Fryer, author of Sh*t You Don't Learn In College: Make More Money, Have A Bigger Impact, And Build A Life With Meaning. We dive into the true definition of success, why entrepreneurship requires a little bit of crazy, the things that keep us from moving forward and how to take responsibility for your life’s path.


Inside this episode, Zander shares:

  • Lessons of leadership and how to break free of the norm
  • The true definition of success
  • Tactics of high achievers and how to discover & embody your inner leader


Get the Pause Breathwork App:


For full show notes, resources and links:


The Sam Skelly Show combines personal development, deep conversations, and comedy to shake up the way you connect with yourself and the world. Be sure to follow on Apple Podcasts so you don’t miss an episode!

Oct 6, 2021

Are you an entrepreneur stuck in hustle culture or feeling like you can’t share your truth? In this episode, Andrea Owen author, global speaker, and professional certified life coach shares with us her journey starting her business and the inspiration behind her new book, Make Some Noise. We jam on entrepreneurship, mental health and the importance of speaking your truth. Andrea shares why we need to have conversations about how our culture affects women and why it’s important for us to use our voices.


Inside this episode, Andrea shares:

  • How to become unstoppable in your pursuit of your soul's purpose
  • How to use resistance and struggle as the pathway to your evolution 
  • Expression; giving yourself pure permission to live a full out life


Get the Pause Breathwork App:


For full show notes, resources and links:


The Sam Skelly Show combines personal development, deep conversations, and comedy to shake up the way you connect with yourself and the world. Be sure to follow on Apple Podcasts so you don’t miss an episode!

Oct 4, 2021

Want to transform your fear into fuel for the ultimate transformation? In this episode, I had on Emma Zeck, poet, yoga teacher and a firm believer in the art of language and word magic as a tool to invoke deep ancestral healing. She and I chat about how to commit to being your most authentic self and how to cope with grief, loneliness and pain. We also talk about her identity as a creative and where it stems from. Emma opens up about how to get out of ruts and back into your creative zone of genius.


Inside this episode, Emma shares:


  • The process of using fear as your fuel source
  • Grief, loneliness & pain - how to cope when it feels too much
  • A remedy for the ‘constipated creative’ how to unblock & let it flow


Get the Pause Breathwork App:


For full show notes, resources and links:


The Sam Skelly Show combines personal development, deep conversations, and comedy to shake up the way you connect with yourself and the world. Be sure to follow on Apple Podcasts so you don’t miss an episode!

Sep 15, 2021

What sets apart a masterful coach and a mediocre coach? In this episode, I had on Stevie Wright, certified Self Love Coach and breathwork facilitator. Stevie helps people open portals to their unlimited potential using somatic and subconscious practices. She and I talk about what sets apart great coaches from the rest and the skill that all masterful coaches need to embody for success. You’ll also learn how you can facilitate trust between your clients and how to hone in on your hologram (and help your clients get into their hologram too). 

Inside this episode, Stevie shares:

  • The skill all masterful coaches need to embody (it's not what you think)
  • The 3 factors that separate successful coaches from the rest
  • Stevie’s story of going from a hectic healer to a masterful healer


Get the Pause Breathwork App:


For full show notes, resources and links:


The Sam Skelly Show combines personal development, deep conversations, and comedy to shake up the way you connect with yourself and the world. Be sure to follow on Apple Podcasts so you don’t miss an episode!

Sep 8, 2021

Ready to become rich as f*ck? In this episode, I was joined by the “Money Queen” herself, Amanda Frances. Amanda is a financial abundance expert and bestselling author of

Rich As F*ck: More Money Than You Know What to Do With. We sat down for a deep and honest conversation on the energetics of money and abundance. She explains how to keep money flowing into your bank account, her investing philosophy and so much more!

Inside this episode, Amanda shares:

  • The keys to becoming an energetic match for unlimited abundance 
  • How to embody certainty, power and confidence when you cast your financial vision
  • The #1 key to money flowing with ease (this one shocked me!)


Get the Pause Breathwork App:

For full show notes, resources and links:


The Sam Skelly Show combines personal development, deep conversations, and comedy to shake up the way you connect with yourself and the world. Be sure to follow on Apple Podcasts so you don’t miss an episode!

Sep 1, 2021

Do you want to live a life without limitations? In this episode, I was joined by nationally recognized spiritual guide and creator of The Limitless Soul, Kelli Mason. Kelli shares her personal experience of how she found better ways to express her energy and the impact of constant connection on your energy.

Inside this episode, Kelli shares:

  • Healthy ways she found to express her energy
  • How being consumed and plugged in affected her energy
  • How to unleash your soul's essence by shutting down the noise of the world
  • Grief and sacrifice - essential tools for deepening our soul's connection
  • How to discern ego agenda from soul's desire
  • The vicious cycle of an outward focus on the world


Pause Breathwork Facilitator Training:

Get the Pause Breathwork App:

For full show notes, resources and links:


The Sam Skelly Show combines personal development, deep conversations, and comedy to shake up the way you connect with yourself and the world. Be sure to follow on Apple Podcasts so you don’t miss an episode!

Aug 25, 2021

If you’ve been wanting to become a more powerful and potent leader then this is the episode for you. Now more than ever our chaotic world needs leaders who can tap into their inner compass and lead even in the most hectic climates. In this episode, I had a conversation with Ruby Fremon, certified life coach, NLP practitioner, leadership mentor, speaker, and author of Potent Leadership: Drop the Mask, Ignite the Real You, and Reclaim the Leader Within. We discuss the 2 biggest leadership lessons she’s learned, how to unplug from the distractions of the matrix and what it takes to lead during this climate. 


Inside this episode, Ruby shares:


  • How to tap into your inner compass to be more effective as a leader
  • The tools and practices needed to lead with grace & create sustainable transformation
  • What it takes to be a leader in this current climate


For full show notes, resources and links:

Get the Pause Breathwork App:

The Sam Skelly Show combines personal development, deep conversations, and comedy to shake up the way you connect with yourself and the world. Be sure to subscribe on Apple Podcasts so you don’t miss an episode!

Aug 18, 2021

Do you dream of creating an impact on the world? The power lies within your truth. In this episode, I spoke to my dear friend, societal visionary, counterculture poet, film director, speaker and facilitator Janne Robinson. Janne and I dive into how living in your truth can influence your life (and the lives of others) in a big way. We also discuss the current events of the world, relationships, friendships and the connection that we all desire. 

Inside this episode, Janne shares:

  • The fear that comes from speaking your truth
  • How Janne handles disagreement
  • Why you should reframe “what am I getting” into “what can I give?”
  • The nuances of connection with others and yourself


For full show notes, resources and links:


Get the Pause Breathwork App:

The Sam Skelly Show combines personal development, deep conversations, and comedy to shake up the way you connect with yourself and the world. Be sure to subscribe on Apple Podcasts so you don’t miss an episode!

Aug 11, 2021

Joy is your true nature. If you’re living in any other way then you are not living in your truth. In this episode, I am uncovering how you can stop micromanaging your mind and start living with more ease. You’ll learn how the path of your soul might not make sense and the process you can use to slow down your thoughts and discover your heart’s desire. 

Inside this episode, I jam on:

  • My effortless process to quiet the mind and open the heart
  • The science behind chronic anxiety (and how to heal it)
  • The 3 best tools to connect the mind with the body and create deeper ease


Join the Pause Breathwork Facilitator Training:


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For full show notes, resources and links:


The Sam Skelly Show combines personal development, deep conversations, and comedy to shake up the way you connect with yourself and the world. Be sure to follow on Apple Podcasts so you don’t miss an episode!

Aug 4, 2021

Are power dynamics ruining your relationships? In this episode, I was joined by the Director of Experience at Pause, Ria Abang. Ria shares her own experience with putting me on a pedestal, the power dynamic this caused and how we moved through that. She talks about eliminating power over and power under dynamics and how to figure out if those dynamics are at play in your intimate relationships. You’ll hear about the power of speaking your truth and what happens when you eliminate relationship power dynamics for good. 

Inside this episode, Ria shares:

  • How to eliminate 'power over/power under' dynamics
  • How to notice if power dynamics are present in your intimate relationships
  • What emerges when we eliminate relationship power dynamics (you won't believe this one…)


For full show notes, resources and links:

Get the Pause Breathwork App:

The Sam Skelly Show combines personal development, deep conversations, and comedy to shake up the way you connect with yourself and the world. Be sure to subscribe on Apple Podcasts so you don’t miss an episode!

Jul 28, 2021

Ever had the feeling that your brain was broken? Perhaps the very thing that you think is wrong, is actually your hidden success superpower. In this episode, I am joined by lifestyle and business expert, motivational speaker and New York Times Best Selling Author, Chalene Johnson. Chalene and I talk about her experience with ADHD and how it reflects differently in people. We discuss how she stays on top of her game by keeping rituals, boundaries and rules in place.

Inside this episode, Chalene shares:

  • Your brain isn't broken, here's what's up if your mind won't stop
  • Chalene's philosophy for prioritizing what's important and sticking to it
  • Her rituals, boundaries and guidelines to ensure she is performing at the top of her game


For full show notes, resources and links:

Get the Pause Breathwork App:

The Sam Skelly Show combines personal development, deep conversations, and comedy to shake up the way you connect with yourself and the world. Be sure to subscribe on Apple Podcasts so you don’t miss an episode!

Jul 21, 2021

Thinking about becoming a coach or facilitator? Guess what? When you say yes to that intuitive hint from within, the universe will conspire in your favor to help all your dreams and desires come to fruition. In this episode, I am sharing the qualities of successful coaches and facilitators. I share how I found this path, nudges that you might get if you’re meant for this work and how this industry is changing.

Inside this episode, I jam on:

  • How this path of work started for me
  • Telltale signs that you’re meant for coaching or facilitating
  • The top 5 qualities of a successful coach
  • How the industry is changing 
  • Why you have to be a student and invest in your own learning


Join the Pause Breathwork Facilitator Training:

Get the Pause Breathwork App:

For full show notes, resources and links:

The Sam Skelly Show combines personal development, deep conversations, and comedy to shake up the way you connect with yourself and the world. Be sure to follow on Apple Podcasts so you don’t miss an episode!

Jul 14, 2021

We’re back with a Q & A episode! We’ve got so many different questions - they’re wack, they’re weird and I am going to be unveiling all my answers to your deepest questions. We’re talking about breathwork, breakups, psychedelics, my 5-year plans and SO much more.

Inside this episode, I jam on:

  • How breathwork can release limiting beliefs
  • Mercury retrograde and astrology vs. manifestation
  • How to establish a breathwork routine
  • Advice for going through a breakup
  • My 5-year plan for my life and business
  • How I’ve remained so playful and joyful and where this comes from

Get the Pause Breathwork App:

For full show notes, resources and links:


The Sam Skelly Show combines personal development, deep conversations, and comedy to shake up the way you connect with yourself and the world. Be sure to follow on Apple Podcasts so you don’t miss an episode!

Jul 7, 2021

Emotional suffering is a hindrance to so many people’s personal growth. In this episode, I’m uncovering the root of all emotional and spiritual suffering. I discuss the templates that people often get caught up in that cause emotional suffering. You’ll learn the process of releasing yourself from the grip of suffering and how to shift yourself from a place of suffering to a place of liberation. 

Inside this episode, I jam on:

  • Where emotional suffering lives and how it plays out for people 
  • The structures we operate in that cause emotional and spiritual suffering
  • Templates people attach themselves to that cause emotional suffering
  • The process of releasing the grip of suffering 
  • How to use your soul to shift from suffering to liberation  


Get the Pause Breathwork App:

For full show notes, resources and links:


The Sam Skelly Show combines personal development, deep conversations, and comedy to shake up the way you connect with yourself and the world. Be sure to follow on Apple Podcasts so you don’t miss an episode!

Jun 23, 2021

Do you want to attract more money into your life? Or even a partner? It all starts with getting your feng shui just right. In this episode, I had on Patricia Lohan, Feng Shui Expert, Speaker and Author. She shares exactly what feng shui is and how you can use it to attract the things you desire most. Patricia gives 3 tips to getting started, her advice for letting go of items you no longer need and so much more.

Inside this episode, Patricia shares:

  • Why Patricia is passionate about feng shui and energetics
  • What feng shui is and how it works
  • The top 3 tips for getting started with feng shui
  • Her advice for letting go of friction points that don’t serve you
  • How to optimize for romance in the bedroom
  • The top 3 items you can purchase to increase energetic flow


For full show notes, resources and links:

Get the Pause Breathwork App: 

The Sam Skelly Show combines personal development, deep conversations, and comedy to shake up the way you connect with yourself and the world. Be sure to subscribe on Apple Podcasts so you don’t miss an episode!

Jun 16, 2021

If you’ve ever felt like you weren’t ready to turn up the heat in the bedroom, then you need to hear this episode with sex and intimacy coach, Irene Fehr. In this episode, Irene gives us insight into women’s and men’s tendencies for sex including the differences between spontaneous and responsive arousal. She talks about how your arousal type feeds into what you need to nourish and feed your libido to gear up for an intimate session with your partner.

Inside this episode, Irene shares:

  • What turned her on to this work in libido, sex and relationships
  • How she overcame a sexless marriage
  • Her tips to activating a dormant libido
  • 3 steps to asking your partner for what you want
  • What responsive sexual desire is
  • Spontaneous vs. responsive arousal
  • Why you need to nourish and feed your libido
  • How self-pleasure affects your sex life


For full show notes, resources and links:

Get the Pause Breathwork App:


The Sam Skelly Show combines personal development, deep conversations, and comedy to shake up the way you connect with yourself and the world. Be sure to subscribe on Apple Podcasts so you don’t miss an episode!

Jun 9, 2021

Are you looking to attract a long-term sustainable relationship that thrives? In this episode, I brought on my boyfriend Eric Moeller to talk about all things relationships. Eric and I give some background on our dating history including how we met each other, our chemistry, what we’ve learned from being together and more. You’ll also hear a deep dive into our coffee dates and how you can use this technique to build a thriving partnership that works. 

Inside this episode, Eric shares:

  • What we thought about our future when we first started dating
  • How we first got connected 
  • How our chemistry was when we began dating
  • What we’ve learned from past relationships
  • How we’ve grown since being together
  • Why you have to get to know someone’s values
  • The biggest struggles in our relationship and how we get over them
  • Why we reduce technology to connect deeper
  • The 7 step agenda for our weekly coffee dates
  • How our relationship would be different if we both weren’t pursuing growth
  • Eric’s journey of becoming more emotionally connected
  • Our timeline for babies and marriage


For full show notes, resources and links:

Join the Waitlist for the Pause Breathwork App:

The Sam Skelly Show combines personal development, deep conversations, and comedy to shake up the way you connect with yourself and the world. Be sure to subscribe on Apple Podcasts so you don’t miss an episode!

Jun 2, 2021

It’s time to start honoring your path and boundaries. A lot of us are guilty of spending too much time and effort pleasing others. This causes us to cross our boundaries. As my guest on this episode explains, there is a cost to having disordered boundaries. Terri Cole is a licensed psychotherapist and global relationship and empowerment expert. In this episode, we talk about her book, Boundary Boss and hear her tips for creating a healthier relationship with the boundaries you create. We also chat about co-dependency and how this can affect your ability to withhold boundaries with others. 


Inside this episode, Terri shares:

  • How boundaries have changed her life and why she’s a boundary advocate
  • The cost of having disordered boundaries
  • Terri’s tips for approaching the boundary conversation 
  • Scripts ideas for maintaining your boundaries
  • Codependent boundaries and how they affect you


For full show notes, resources and links:

Join the Waitlist for the Pause Breathwork App:

The Sam Skelly Show combines personal development, deep conversations, and comedy to shake up the way you connect with yourself and the world. Be sure to subscribe on Apple Podcasts so you don’t miss an episode!

May 26, 2021

Are you ready to fully own and claim abundance? In this episode, I had a conversation with Danette May, author, entrepreneur and healthy lifestyle expert. After the tragic loss of her son during childbirth, Danette made a decision. She chose to embrace the heartbreak and use it as the catalyst for her growth. She shares her incredible story about that defining moment and how you can unlock the power of abundance that’s available to us all. 

Inside this episode, Danette shares:

  • Her experience of losing her son during childbirth
  • The defining moment of taking a challenge and turning it into their greatest gift
  • How she learned to embody abundance
  • How to detach yourself from perceived limitations and step into infinite intelligence 
  • Why humans feel separate from the whole and their true essence
  • Her favorite ways to resource her body

For full show notes, resources and links:

Join the Waitlist for the Pause Breathwork App:

The Sam Skelly Show combines personal development, deep conversations, and comedy to shake up the way you connect with yourself and the world. Be sure to subscribe on Apple Podcasts so you don’t miss an episode!

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