In this episode, Krista Williams, the cofounder and cohost of the Almost 30 podcast, and I dive deep into the complexities of the human experience and the importance of self-awareness. We discuss the need for spaciousness and the role spirituality plays in unblending from the intensity of our human experience. We also touch on the balance between intellect and soul, and the permission to make mistakes along the way. Get ready for a thought-provoking and soul-nourishing conversation that will leave you feeling inspired and liberated!
In this episode, Krista Williams and I dive deeper into:
Developing intuition & body wisdom in an intellect-obsessed society.
Feeling secure in relationships & expressing yourself fully.
Healing body image issues & relationships with other women.
And so much more!
Krista is the cohost of the top podcast Almost 30 Podcast, and creator of the best-selling Life Edit Course, and new Modern Tarot Decks.
Join us as we explore the layers of our lives, from relationships to work to our own bodies.
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Plus, One lucky listener will win:
→ The grand prize of A FULL SCHOLARSHIP to one of Pause BReathwork’s flagship programs!!! This includes either the Pause Breathwork Facilitator Training (Level 1 or Level 2) or the Somatic Coaching Certification Program (up to $10,700 value).
Here’s how you can enter:
► Subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcast or Spotify.
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For full show notes, resources, and links:
Check out our community for more details, programs, and tips on how to thrive as a breathwork facilitator and somatic coach!
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Pause Facilitator Training Program | Pause Facilitator Training Program Level 2 | Somatic Coaching | Life Mastermind
About Can’t Be Contained
Can’t Be Contained’ is the unscripted, unedited – fully uncontained journal entries & real-life experiences of those who follow their bliss & intuitive hits, the freedom seekers, the sacred rebels – the ones who are here to disrupt what proceeded us & create what is ahead of us. Be sure to subscribe, so you don't miss an episode!