I have brought on one of my dear clients, Sue Spencer. She is a society alumni and she is currently in the Hungry for Happiness Certification Program to certify herself to become a Hungry for Happiness coach. The reason I brought Sue on the podcast is she is so incredibly inspiring. I love when my clients come on. They can really speak to where they're at and the journey they go through so you as listeners can really have an inside scoop of what it's really like to finally end the battle with food and your body.
Sue Spencer started competing in Olympic weightlifting at 62 years young. She broke provincial records and qualified for the 2017 World Masters Games in New Zealand earlier this year. Sue promotes the thought that we’re all capable of amazing things at any age and says YES to any possibility that comes her way. Sue was apart of Society 001 and is now currently in the Hungry for Happiness Teacher Certification program.
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