
Can't Be Contained

“Can’t be Contained”, hosted by Samantha Skelly, will bring you captivating conversations with humans who’ve cultivated a path of passion by following their bliss and intuitive hits; those who’ve released ordinary and opted for extraordinary. From spirituality to science, comedy to culture, and everything in between, Sam will share the untold stories of her guests who push boundaries, defy conventional thinking, and have the courage to seek the freedom their souls are desiring. If you're a rebel, rule breaker, or freedom seeker ready to live fully turned on, this show is your permission slip to break the box and follow the unconventional path. Let's be real, we didn't come to this planet to pay bills & die, we came here to live boldly all while enjoying this human adventure. The Pause Breathwork App is the #1 app to clear stress using your breath. You can download the Pause Breathwork App at
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Now displaying: 2018
Jun 27, 2018

I️ absolutely loved getting to know Mel. As soon as we got on the podcast, we were like, "Hey! You're the British version of me and I'm the Canadian version of you!" She doing incredible things over in the UK with the body image and relationship to food movement. She's an absolutely incredible human. Mel had a seven year battle with eating disorders and in this episode we talked about how she recovered and how she had to accommodate everything in her life to serve her eating disorder. Her and I️ both talked about how we used vegetarianism and veganism as a way to mask our disordered eating. I️ didn't realize I️ was doing that until I️ realized I️ was doing that. This conversation was full of honesty, really asking yourself if that is what you're doing and why you're doing that for other reasons. So we talked about what would your life look like if you never struggled with your eating disorder? 


About Mel Wells

Mel Wells is an Eating Psychology Coach,TEDX Speaker + the Bestselling Author of ‘The Goddess Revolution’,with her second book Hungry For More on the way this July. She is Hay House’s youngest author +has been featured in Forbes Under 30, who said “Mel Wells is giving a voice to the silent struggle billions of women know so well.” Mel helps us ditch dieting for good find= what they're truly hungry for, through her online program+retreats.

In this episode, Mel shares:

5:34: How to recognize when self soothing is becoming a numbing mechanism.

10:00- Mel’s journey to recovery from a seven year battle with eating disorders.

19:17- How to identify when you’re coping with an addictive behavior.

27:00- How to eat intuitively when you’ve dieted your entire life.

35:30- What would you do if you’d never had an eating disorder?

You can find more of Mel at:

Website | Facebook | Instagram

Are you ready to end the battle with food and your body?

Sign up for my free 5 Day Food Freedom Challenge here.

Jun 20, 2018

Today on the show I️ have Amanda Bucci. For those of you who follow me on Instagram you know that Amanda is one of my dear friends. She’s a sweet, incredible woman and a total fitness expert. She is an amazing entrepreneur and in this episode we talked about how dysfunctional the fitness industry is. Amanda and I️ were both fitness competitors, I️ did bikini competitions,  and we talked about how that industry often, not always, is a mask for eating disorders and that is how I️ used it. I️ was like, “I️ don’t have a problem. I’m committed. I’m dedicated.” After doing some personal self discovery I️ realized it was actually a crutch for me to try and get myself out of disordered eating. It’s just an interesting conversation in order to be clear about what’s going on in the fitness industry.

About Amanda Bucci

Amanda is a fitness influencer, Boss Lady CEO, and her superpower is connection to others, and connecting others to themselves. She serves entrepreneurs by helping design the life of their dreams through business, health, and social media growth. She also is the host the Bucci Radio Podcast, and the Co-Founder of the Fitness Online Coaching Academy - a certificate program for online fitness coaches.

In this episode, Amanda shares:

5:45- How to access your full potential.

12:30- Amanda’s experience with bikini competitions and how she overcame the extreme lifestyle.

22:30- How to remove the rules around food and eat intuitively.

28:30- How to return to a normal lifestyle after a bikini competition.

35:34- A huge factor you should pay attention to when shifting your mindset around food.


You can find more of Amanda at:

Website | Facebook | Instagram


Are you ready to end the battle with food and your body?

Sign up for my free 5 Day Food Freedom Challenge here.

Jun 6, 2018

Today I'm interviewing Lisa Shield. Lisa went on 199 dates before she found her now husband! That is some serious dedication. This episode is all about love, relationships, how to clear the love blocks that are preventing us from attracting our soul mate. I know before my partner and I started dating, I had to identify so many beliefs about love; who I was and how I existed in a relationship. I had to clear so many masks and beliefs for that love to come in. We also talked about the importance of developing a relationship with our inner child which is so important in the conversation of love.


About Lisa Shield


Lisa Shield is one of the very first love coaches on the planet. Over the past 16 years, she’s helped thousands of singles and couples create loving, lasting relationships, showing them how to “share their head before they share their bed” by getting Emotionally Naked. Lisa has a Master’s in Spiritual Psychology, is a certified coach with The Coaches Training Institute & she trained closely with Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements.


In this episode, Lisa shares:


  • 6:50- What we need to embody in order to attract true love.
  • 12:03- How to shift your mindset around love.
  • 22:30- Major blocks that prevent women from finding their soul mate.
  • 32:12- How to feel safe individually instead of depending on someone else.
  • 42:10- How to talk to your partner when triggered.


You can find more of Lisa at:


Website | Instagram


Are you ready to end the battle with food and your body?

Sign up for my free 5 Day Food Freedom Challenge here.

May 30, 2018

We talked about soulful-consensual sex, how to go deeper with your partner, exploring sexuality, exploring your own sexuality, exploring sexuality in your relationship, how to feel safe with your body, and we talked about releasing body shame. I️ know you guys talk to me all of the time about the shame around our bodies, especially if we have history of sexual trauma or abuse and so this episode really is powerful and Melissa offers so much incredible information.


About Melissa Ambrosini

Melissa is the bestselling author of Mastering Your Mean Girl & Open Wide, host of the number one podcast The Melissa Ambrosini Show, a speaker & self-love teacher. Named a 'self-help guru' by Elle Magazine her mission is to inspire women to create a heart-centred life one that’s wildly wealthy, fabulously healthy and bursting with love.

In this episode, Melissa shares: 

10:11- How to dispel the shame around your body.

21:10- How to have deeper, soulful sex with your partner.

32:52- Practices and belief systems to find your sexuality.

34:00- Using food as an emotional barrier for safety.


You can find more of Melissa  at:

Website | Facebook | Instagram

Are you ready to end the battle with food and your body?

Sign up for my free 5 Day Food Freedom Challenge here.

May 23, 2018

In this episode, we shifted gears a little bit and we talked about motherhood and entrepreneurship. There’s a lot of you who are mothers. You’re doing that incredible balance of motherhood and entrepreneurship or motherhood and work life, balancing motherhood and being a wife….all the things, so many plates! So we talk about the real conversation around all of that. How challenging that is and how much of an honor it is. So we talk about releasing control and why we refuse to be internal because there’s nothing to be tangibly gained. It is so interesting when we talk about how we can improve our internal landscapes so we that we can see the results externally vs the other way around where we constantly hustle.


About Mary Shores

Mary Shores is the founder and CEO of a multi-million dollar business. Recognized as a thought leader, Mary teaches individuals how to inspire others, create new ways of thinking, achieve their goals, and take action to create meaningful results. She developed the Words That Work system, which inspired her Hay House book, Conscious Communications. Mary travels across the nation giving lectures and teaching courses, and has been featured on international television shows, podcasts, and blogs.

In this episode, Mary shares:


  • 12:22- Why we refuse to internally process our emotions and belief systems so they can reflect in our external word.
  • 22:00- Going through a divorce and rebuilding a business as a single mother.
  • 29:52- The generational difference in belief systems around motherhood.
  • 34:52- How to get laser clear on what you want to increase the quality of your life.


You can find more of Mary at:

Website | Facebook | Instagram

Are you ready to end the battle with food and your body?

Sign up for my free 5 Day Food Freedom Challenge here.


May 16, 2018

I spoke with Rob Kandell, who is such a genius when it comes to relationships. The polarity of relationships, flowing in and out of the masculine and feminine energy with partners and how high powered women can settle into their feminine. I get this question a lot, and it is so good. We also move into asking our partners for what we truly need, identifying what our needs are in a relationship, and how to ask for them powerfully.

About Robert Kandell


Born and raised to be a "normal person", ROB diverted from his path at the age of 28 and started a deep journey into discovering truly he truly is. It led to him leaving the corporate world, selling his house, divorcing his wife and starting an business around conscious relationship and sexuality ( At 44, left that world and started anew in Los Angeles. He is now, happily married, a podcaster, and business and life coach.


In this episode, Robert shares:


  • 7:45- Why men are intimidated by successful women and how it affects relationships.

  • 11:36- How high-powered women can shift into their feminine with partners.

  • 13:28- Why it’s so common for women to embody masculine energy.

  • 22:09- A huge reason why relationships get stuck.

  • 29:18- How we co-create high and low experiences in our lives.

  • 31:22- A framework on expressing true desires to your partner.

  • 44:39- How to include and educate your partner on your needs.


You can find more of Robert at:

Website | Facebook | Instagram


Are you ready to end the battle with food and your body?

Sign up for my free 5 Day Food Freedom Challenge here.

May 9, 2018

I have my girl Lori Harder back on the show. Lori is a returning guest and I know a lot of you are already familiar with how incredible this woman is. I am so grateful to not only call her a soul sister but I’m so grateful I get to witness her brilliance in the world. She is just one of those people who increases your frequency when you’re around them.


About Lori Harder


Lori Harder is a leading expert in the field of fitness, transformational work, mindfulness, and self-love. As a self-made millionaire, successful entrepreneur, author, cover model, and three-time fitness world champion, she offers a carefully curated set of practical tools to promote sustainable health, spiritual well-being, and financial freedom. She is the creator of the Earn Your Happy podcast and the author of A Tribe Called Bliss, launching on May 8th.

In this episode, Lori shares:


  • 12:36- Why our health depends on the people around us.
  • 20:40- The fear of feeling left out and feeling like you have nothing to offer.
  • 25:25- How to authentically connect with like minded individuals.
  • 37:22- How to bring lightness and enjoyment to your healing process.  


You can find more of Lori at:


Website | Facebook | Instagram

Are you ready to end the battle with food and your body?

Sign up for my free 5 Day Food Freedom Challenge here.

May 2, 2018

We talked about father wounding, daddy issues, for lack of a better term. That’s a technical term, “daddy issues” if you guys didn’t know. But honestly, we get so much of this in our community. We talk about this a LOT. There’s a lot of concepts about father wounding in the society so our team decided to bring Karin on the really talk about this. We’re talking about father wounding, relationships, relationship patterns, why empaths attract narcissists, a HUGE hot topic.


About Dr. Karin Luise

Dr. Karin is a Transformational Life Coach and speaker and an award-winning author of “The Fatherless Daughter Project.” She helps people find freedom and power by firing up alignment, authenticity and passion. She is the creator of the Break the Rules Challenge for Women and Root Down, Fire Up Mastermind – a guide to total life transformation. She’s the host of “The Dr. Karin Show”, where she talks to leading edge visionaries about heart-centered living and soul expansion.

In this episode, Karin shares:

4:29- How we can honor ourselves as mothers.

19:37- More information on The Fatherless Daughter Project and why it’s changing so many lives.

26:39- Why we end up in unhealthy relationships and how we can stop the pattern.

32:09- How to tell if you’re in a relationship with a narcissist.

35:34- The definition of gaslighting and the dynamic between narcissists and empaths.


You can find more of Karin at:

Website | Facebook | Instagram


Are you ready to end the battle with food and your body?

Sign up for my free 5 Day Food Freedom Challenge here.


Apr 25, 2018

In this episode, we are diving into relationships which is Amy's zone of genius. We’re really talking about the difference between loneliness and being alone. You know a lot of you guys have mentioned to me and talked to me about the fact that you just feel lonely and we dig into that. We go into the common themes of what is blocking people from attracting love.  

About Amy

Amy Young is a life coach who specializes in serving up truth and dishing out empowerment to all the single ladies! Along with her  hard-hitting (but hilarious) YouTube videos, she now speaks to people via her brand new podcast: JUST WHAT YOU NEEDED, which provides twice-weekly episodic, empathic solutions to the most annoying, everyday struggles we all kinda fall victim to. Yay.

In this episode, Amy shares:

 9:42- How to step out of our emotions when we feel flooded.

14:34- Find out the difference between loneliness and being alone.

21:05- A big reason we should recreate our belief systems around love and intimacy.

30:23- The most effective way we can show up in relationships.

39:30- How to shift our focus and attract the person we want.

You can find more of Amy at:

Website | YouTube | Instagram


Are you ready to end the battle with food and your body?

Sign up for my free 5 Day Food Freedom Challenge here.

Apr 18, 2018

EP 046: More Courage, Less Fear with Kate Swoboda

This episode is all about courage and the reason why I love the whole idea of living a courageous life is what it leads to. When we’re on the edge of what is kind of  uncomfortable, (I say this all of the time, my like feels like a constant wedgie because it’s always a little uncomfortable) what we get to experience by living on our edge and stepping into the things that terrify us, leads to so much. It’s truly where the magic happens. We’re not going to be able to understand how incredible we are until we push the edge of it and really explore what it is.

About Kate

Kate Swoboda is Director of the Courageous Living Coach Certification at and creator of, where she teaches people how to change old patterns of self-doubt and create courageous habits (and courageous lives) using the neuropsychology of habit-formation. Her first book, The Courage Habit: How to Accept Your Fears, Release the Past, and Live Your Courageous Life (New Harbinger Publications) will be on shelves in spring 2018.


In this episode, Kate shares:

5:07- The foundation of courage and how to access it.

10:28- How fear based behaviors become our default actions.

15:50- What fear actually means and the most effective way to heal our relationship with it.

20:10- The role fear plays in our lives.

24:37- What to do when we have a fear of failure.


YouTube Videos Referenced in the episode:

Shit new aged girls say:


You can find more of Kate at:

Website | Facebook | Instagram | Book

Apr 11, 2018

This episode is all about taking personal responsibility (which I love) and shifting out of victim mentality, which I also love. Lauren breaks down the steps we can take to truly shift our inner dialogue and get it to work for us, rather than against us.


About Lauren

Lauren Zander is a life coach, university lecturer, public speaker, and the Co-Founder and Chairwoman of Handel Group®, an international coaching company based in New York City. She is the author of Maybe It’s You: Cut the Crap, Face Your Fears, Love Your Life (Published by Hachette Book Group, April 2017) and has spent over 20 years coaching thousands of private and corporate clients from around the world.


In this episode, Lauren shares:

 8:07- One major reason we block our transformation.

16:45- How to change the narrative of our blocks and change the way we view significant memories.

27:40- The different ways we lie to ourselves and others and how to notice when it’s happening.

30:30- Why we protect our inner dialogue, even when it keeps us stuck.

29:56- How to recognize when we’re living in truth vs following a fantasy.



You can find more of Lauren at:



Instagram: @handelgroup

Apr 4, 2018

This episode is a little bit different from what we normally do. We heavily focus on the mental, emotional side of binge eating and this episode brings you a science based approach. I respect it and I love it and I’m excited to hear how you guys dig it. I want to hear your thoughts so make sure you are commenting on iTunes and letting me know how you like it. Kathryn Hansen, the author of Brain Over Binge,  talks about the neural pathways of our brains and how we develop habits and addictions. She talks about her own recovery, why conventional therapy wasn’t effective and the top tools she used to build new habits around food.


About Kathryn

Kathryn Hansen recovered from bulimia in 2005; she is dedicated to educating & empowering women/men who struggle with binge eating. She is the author of "Brain over Binge," and "The Brain over Binge Recovery Guide". Kathryn also leads online courses to support individuals in achieving recovery. Her books & courses offer an alternative perspective--teaching brain-based reasons for binge eating, and departing from mainstream ideas that say eating disorders are the result of underlying emotional/psychological problems.


In this episode, Kathryn shares:

4:35- Why conventional therapy couldn’t cure Kathryn's binges.

6:00- Our brain’s scientific response to dieting.

8:28- How Kathryn developed the habit of binge eating and how she overcame it.

17:02- The difference between food addictions and habitual patterns around food.

19:50- The main thing we need to do in order to stop binging.

25:30- The importance of eating adequately.

29:04- How to eat in a way that feels normal.



You can find more of Kathryn at:



Instagram: @brain_over_binge


Join our FREE Hungry for Happiness Facebook community for more tools, updates and guidance on how to end the battle with food and your body,

Mar 28, 2018

This episode is all about the small steps we can make to create big shifts in our lives. So often we think that in order for us to have these enriching, meaningful lives we have to go out and change the world or change the planet, and it’s simply just not true. We can create change in our everyday community just by focusing on things that matter the most in our hearts like lighting someone else’s heart up through a smile, conversation, a hug. That changes the world. And I think so often we just bypass that stuff and don’t pay attention to it. This episode is all about cultivating awareness around this. This could be simply using our voice to open up discussions around social injustice, creating a community garden, offering social services to propel a support group, truly anything. There are so many different avenues we can take when we learn to look at our pain as a teacher and a guide.


Cassandra Bodzak

Cassandra Bodzak is the best selling author of “Eat with Intention: Recipes and Meditations for a Life the Lights You Up". Cassandra teaches women who want to have it all how to create rituals using food, meditation, and self-care to create sustainable success and wellbeing. She has been dubbed a "spiritual leader" by Well and Good and is the host of Eat with Intention TV or you may know her from ABC’s The Taste.


In this episode, Cassandra shares:


4:08- Why our triggers are a call to take action.

10:53- The first step we can take to create social change.

13:20- Using energetics to build a business.

23:19- Creating daily rituals to connect to source.

37:51- The most effective way to create an impact.

46:00- How we can stop our emotions from hijacking our experience.

You can find more of Cassandra at:


Join the Hungry for Happiness Facebook community for more!


Mar 21, 2018

Today I am interviewing Kali Rogers! We had such a great interview. She is such a cool chick and you guys are going to realize this once you start listening. We chatted about the power of choice, something I’m stoked on; I loved that conversation, and approaching life from a place of curiosity rather than attachment. So often, we want to control our way to happiness, and we all know that doesn’t work. We cling onto identities that make us feel like crap because we’re truly afraid of what will happen if we let go. But letting go is where the magic happens. I talk about this a lot in our community and it’s the whole concept of our structured selves vs our fluid selves. Our structured self is the identity of who we think we need to be and our fluid self is recognizing what feels good to us in the moment. The more we can allow ourselves to be fluid, the easier it is for us to make choices that are in pure alignment with what we want.


Kali Rogers

Kali Rogers is the Founder of Blush Online Life Coaching. She and her team of coaches provide support, motivation, guidance, and advice to girls via videoconference from around the globe for only $79/mo. As well as working with her own individual clients, she provides personality trainings for companies around the country and is the author of, “Conquering Your Quarter Life Crisis: How to Get Your Shit Together in Your 20’s.”


In this episode, Kali shares:

2:07- How the fear of isolation shows up in every aspect of our growth.

7:10- Recognizing and releasing identities that are no longer in alignment.

10:13- Understanding the difference between what we can and cannot control.

14:00- Kali’s transition from pursuing a career as an attorney to a life coach.

23:04- Conquering Your Quarter Life Crisis: How to Get Your Shit Together in Your 20s.

27:00- The first thing we should do when we feel stuck.

35:00- Approaching life from a place of curiosity instead of control.

41:12- Why attachment blocks our ability to manifest.


You can find more of Kali at:


Join the Hungry for Happiness Facebook community for more!

Mar 14, 2018

This conversation energized me to the core. Adam is such a force. We talked about how to become a magnet and match for the things we truly want, how to ask for what we want from our partners, ourselves and the planet. We talked about forgiveness, the ‘Me Too’ movement, healing sexuality, healing the masculine/feminine dynamic. There was so much goodness in this episode.

Adam Roa

Adam Roa's spoken word poetry and deeply moving multi-media creations take the viewer on a transformational journey that leads to greater self-awareness and compassion. Whether he's supporting high-impact individuals in creating profitable businesses, captivating audiences from the screens and stages, or facilitating breakthroughs at workshops and retreats, Adam shows up to life with consistent excellence and soul-inspired passion. His ability to speak both the spiritual hippie and corporate business languages makes him highly sought after.

In this episode, Adam shares:

3:00- Why embracing uncertainty is one of the best things we can do for ourselves.

8:40-The question we should ask ourselves when seeking romantic relationships.

11:18- How to create containers for emotional safety in partnership.

22:40- How masculine and feminine wounding is created within us.

31:20- Why we fear interacting with the opposite sex.

34:40- Sexuality wounds.

41:00-Identifying and shifting our belief systems around sexuality.

49:21-Why we should stop externalizing the meaning of happiness.

You can find more of Adam at:

Join the Hungry for Happiness Facebook community for more!

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Mar 7, 2018

I was so pumped on this conversation. I was actually at a dinner with JJ Virgin, who has also been on this podcast, and someone mentioned Jason and how he had an eating disorder as a young man. We get so many men who ask us if we have services for men and I’m so excited to say that we’re in the process of doing that. But I just wanted to get Jason on the show to share his story. He is so passionate about what he’s doing in the world and I know that’s going to come across in his voice.

About Jason Phillips
Jason is a former anorexic and has a fundamental understanding of the mindset issues related to dietary compliance. Today, as a thought leader, Jason is excited to help people use nutrition to truly unlock other areas of success in their lives.

In this episode, Jason shares:
7:29- What it’s like to have anorexia and body image issues as a male athlete.
16:58- Shifting away from viewing food as the “enemy”.
22:44- The shocking number of males in the fitness industry that experience disordered eating.
24:49- The vicious side of the physique world.
29:57- The long term repercussions fitness competitors have to deal with.
33:50- The scientific reason behind the diet binge cycle.
37:07- The easiest way to achieve our set point weight.
45:33-The importance of integrating fun and play into disordered eating.

You can find more of Jason at:

Join the Hungry for Happiness Facebook community for more!

Feb 28, 2018

Loralei Bayette

This episode is all about relationships and viewing our relationships as a mirror. She got really real and vulnerable and basically said on the show, “I don’t trust myself to be in a relationship.” And it’s so freakin cool for a woman to just own that and just really say, “Ok listen, now is not the time. The time is to love ME. The time is to be in my own body. The time is to understand myself.” I just thought that was one of the rad-est things that has ever been shared on the show so I appreciate her so much for saying that. We’re really digging into the topics of feeling lonely, insignificant, unloveable-whatever it may be- and how we are dependent on relationships to provide that for us. That’s a broken model, we really have to fulfill that within ourselves, because a relationship is only adding value to what we already have.


About Loralei Bayette 

Loralei Bayette is a speaker and Holistic Trasnformation Coach. She helps clear obstacles and uses herself as a stepping stone and mirror to her client's self discovery and manifesting power. She's a self love advocate and rebellious creative who believes in questioning everything and going within to ignite the goddess within. She has a Youtube Channel called HolisticGoGetter and will be doing events in 2018. So make sure you check out her channel and instagram for more updates.


In this episode, Loralei shares:

07:29- What self abandonment looks like and how we can heal it.

19:35- How to create a felt sense of belonging from the inside.

24:20- Simple practices to instantly increase your energetic vibration.

30:45- Tapping into our own internal light source.


You can find more of Loralei at:


 Join the Hungry for Happiness community for more!

Feb 21, 2018

Everything about this conversation excites me to the core! For those of you who’ve been in my world following my things, you know how passionate I am about money and our relationship with money. More importantly, healing our relationship to money, and not allowing it to be the root of all evil anymore. This episode is about creating a space and a relationship where money can flow easily to us and through us so that we can create more abundance in the world.

About Michelle Lowbridge

Michelle is a Brit with a hot chocolate obsession and a cheeky sense of humor, who has a (not so) secret dream of being in a Hallmark Christmas movie. Her work demystifies the weird stuff we believe about money, so we can stop repelling it, make lots of it, and enjoy more freedom and choice.

Inside this episode, Michelle shares:

  • 2:45- Six common beliefs that ruin our relationship with money.
  • 9:06- How Samantha connected to the energy of abundance and cleared her money blocks.
  • 10:12- An exercise to activate and release negative money beliefs in 30 seconds.
  • 16:51- The most powerful way we can spend our time.
  • 21:45- Getting clear about what success looks like on an individual level.
  • 25:33- Creating new money beliefs.
  • 30:00- Simple, effective ways to release fears around money.
  • 34:25- How to use energy editing to create rapid change.
  • 39:55- Smashing money blocks with Michelle’s new book, Wealthology.

You can find more about Michelle at:

Free liming belief technique:


Join the Hungry for Happiness Facebook community for more!

Feb 14, 2018

Enter to win a copy of Peta’s amazing new book, Earth is Hiring. From now through Monday, February 19, you can enter the contest by doing something fun and posting a photo of yourself at play on Instagram with the hashtag #earthishiringmetoplay. Winners will be chosen the week of 2/19 and books will be shipped shortly after!

Ready, set, gooooo!


Peta Kelly

You know when you talk to someone, and it literally feels like you’ve injected caffeine straight into your body? That’s what this felt like hours after this conversation. I’m so stoked to have you guys listen to her. The way she shares is so authentic; she’s a force. We dug into all sorts of things but primarily one of the biggest things we dug into was our money stories and our relationship to money. We talked about the importance of play and the importance of taking responsibility of our frequency. Hearing it in her terms was so beautiful.


About Peta Kelly

Peta Kelly is a mum to her magical baby Sol, an Angel Gifter, Entrepreneur, speaker, philanthropist, cacao and vintage denim enthusiast and a voice for the millennial generation. SRecently ranked by Inc Magazine in the Top 10 Female Entrepreneurs changing the world. Her favorite title is Human AF and she’s also the author of new her book, Earth Is Hiring.


In this episode, Peta shares:

04:59- Money and the stories we create around it.

10:36- The truth about abundance and what it actually means.

14:00-The definition of alignment and various ways we block ourselves from living in its flow.

16:31- The reason we reject feeling in alignment.

17:33- The difference between resistance and misalignment.

19:10- Getting to the root of our responsibilities: What we need to keep vs what we need to release.

23:13- Peta's divine connection to source through cacao. Get yours here!

30:00- Peta’s Earth is Hiring book tour. Claim your spot!

37:33- What Mother Earth is asking of millennials and how they can take action.


You can find more of Peta at:


Join the Hungry for Happiness Facebook community for more!


Feb 7, 2018

Andrea Owen      

Andrea is a returning guest because her first episode kicked off and you guys loved it. This episode, we’re talking about her new book and it has literally the best title ever. It’s called, How to Stop Feeling Like Shit. We dove into all of the principles of how we are addicted to our own suffering and how we create structures in our lives that literally set us up to feel like shit. She talks through these principles and really breaks them down, making it easy. We extracted a lot of the value from the book and brought it to the show so you guys can really absorb a lot of what she has to say.


About Andrea Owen

Life coach. Author. Hellraiser. Andrea Owen is passionate about empowering women to value themselves and fiercely love who they are. She helps high-achieving women let go of perfectionism, control, and isolation and choosing courage and confidence instead. You can learn more at


In this episode, Andrea shares:

 5:21- The difference between using food as a numbing mechanism and overeating.

12:43- How we can express, feel and release our emotions in a safe way.

16:00- Why the need to constantly “be strong” is detrimental to our health.

22:00- Navigating through judgement and comparison.

30:00- How we can identify and dismantle the imposter syndrome.

35:26- How we can honor ourselves and take pride in our accomplishments.


You can find more of Andrea at:


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Jan 31, 2018

Johnny Blackburn

Today in this episode Johnny and I talked about masculine and feminine energies. The divine integration of how we understand each other and how we communicate to each other. It’s the whole topic of feeling emotionally safe in our connection and Johnny walks us through a process of having the confidence to share with our partner how we truly feel safe. Safety is such an important piece of connection and feeling intimate with our partner. We talk all about the masculine and feminine integration and how we can truly learn to not only connect, but truly understand one another.


About Johnny Blackburn: 

Johnny Blackburn is a coach, author, speaker, facilitator and holds a MA in Psychology. He was originally in Business Management Consulting, 10 year career as a functional Nutritionist specializing in the psychology of eating. He's facilitated San Diego Men’s Groups for seven years and his mission is to empower men & women to live from a deeper presence & connection, awakening greater human potential in work, love & life. 


In this episode, Johnny shares: 

  1. How we can feel our emotions without our minds creating stories around them.
  2. The developmental stages of masculine and feminine energy and how they tie into gender identity.
  3. The various ways our emotions hijack our nervous system.
  4. How we can approach our partners and communicate our need for safety.


What You’ll Hear:  

9:27- Embracing our emotions and taking responsibility for our lives. .

12:53- The link between neuroscience and emotional regulation.

19:15- How men and women can understand and connect with each other.

28:20-What’s possible when our masculine and feminine energies are balanced.

32:44- How Johnny helps women and men experience emotional safety.

42:19- What men appreciate most in relationships.


You can find more of Johnny at:


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Jan 24, 2018

Maggie Berghoff

This episode with Maggie is about slowing down and paying attention to our gut health. Our overall well-being, internal and external, is channeled through our gut. What we decide to eat, how we think, our physical environment, all of these things affect our gut and if something is off balance, our body calls out for help through sensations. This can show up as anxiety, depression, moodiness, the inability to sleep, bloating after meals, food intolerances; all of that fun stuff. Maggie gets really deep into this and gives us some insight on how we can explore our bodies' signals so we can heal.


About Maggie Berghoff: 

Maggie Berghoff is a nurse practitioner trained in Functional Medicine. She uses a renowned step-by-step framework known as Balance Protocol to transform the lives of men and women using cutting-edge and natural medicine. Maggie’s clients report increased energy and vitality, weight loss, hormone balance, glowing and anti-aging skin, and chronic disease reversal. They are able to fully live the vibrant, beautiful, happy life of health freedom and bliss they deserve.


In this episode, Maggie shares:

  1. How we can reduce inflammation and cultivate more energy in our bodies.
  2. Symptoms of an unhealthy gut and how to identify the problem.
  3. How we can stop ourselves from spiraling into self-sabotage when we start to feel it coming on.


What You’ll Hear: 

3:16- How Maggie healed her body from years of restriction.

9:30-How to identify if your gut is off balance.

15:27- How we can reverse the symptoms of our gut health.

25:05- How our gut health is related to inflammation.


You can find more of Maggie at:


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Jan 17, 2018

Mary Shores 

In this EP Mary and I talk about conscious communication. Our words are our wands. They're the gateway between our souls and what actually manifests in our lives. Mary does a great job explaining this and she also presents our words a feedback loop. When we speak, our words go out into the world and loop back into our bodies, strengthening our beliefs. This episode is riddled with takeaways on how to empower yourself through your language.


About Mary Shores

Mary Shores is the founder and CEO of a multi-million dollar business. Recognized as a thought leader, Mary teaches individuals how to inspire others, create new ways of thinking, achieve their goals, and take action to create meaningful results. She developed the Words That Work system, which inspired her Hay House book, Conscious Communications. Mary travels across the nation giving lectures and teaching courses, and has been featured on international television shows, podcasts, and blogs.


In this episode, Mary explains:

  1. How to harness the power of your words and speak in a meaningful way.
  2. How she rose after hitting rock bottom several times.
  3. Loosening our attachment to stories.
  4. The steps we can take to reframe our stories.


What you’ll hear:

6:03- Following our souls desires and releasing the "I'm not" belief.

11:15- The key to rewiring our thoughts and patterns.

16:30- Creating affirmations that spark visceral reactions in your body.

25:30- The greatest resistance points we have to speaking our truth.

30:19- How every decision we make is either cleansing or clogging our thoughts.


You can find more of Mary at:


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Jan 10, 2018

Thais Sky

This EP with Thais Sky is such gold and it’s about the topic of worthiness, something that comes up in the Hungry for Happiness community all of the time. We really talk about the root of the good enough complex that so many of us deal with and it manifests in such different ways. So it really comes from our inner child feeling lost, lonely and unloved. What ever it may be, when we numb we’re searching for safety. I really love how she invites us to look at our wounds as our power source. I resonate with this so much because there is so much power hidden within our pain.


About Thais Sky

Thais comes from a background of binge eating and has since created a thriving business supporting women to navigate their worthiness, wounds and reclaim their sovereignty. She's an open book and happily speaks about what it truly looks like to rise from the ashes and love yourself fiercely.


In this episode, Thais shares:

1. What worthiness viscerally feels like in our bodies.

2. Why the core of so many of our challenges as women lies in our worthiness.

3. Why our wounds are our greatest source of power.

4. The difference between being a victim and having a victim mindset.


What You’ll Hear:

2:02- Exploring and dismantling our deep worthiness wounds.

9:46- The defensive mechanisms we create out of fear.

16:10- Different ways we can create safe containers to communicate our wounds.

22:55- How we can co-exist with our wounds.

31:20- Observing our behavior to see where we're playing into victimhood.

38:22- How we can start a relationship with our inner child.

43:33 Conscious movement and how it allows us to get deep into our bodies.


You can find more of Thais at:


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Jan 3, 2018

Madelyn Moon

I absolutely loved connecting with Maddy. Our conversation flowed so effortlessly on and off the podcast. Specifically in this episode, we talk about getting to the root of our truth and being honest about where we’re at. I think so often in personal development, spiritual development (however you want to label it), we can often bypass the truth which truly prevents our transformation. We get into all sorts of subjects in this episode around truth telling. We talk about boys, dating, relationships, ourselves and our own innate growth.


About Madelyn Moon

Madelyn Moon is an author, podcast host, retreat leader and transformational life coach. She is a guiding force for women who want to stop over-thinking their lives away, and live with more trust, intuition and flow.


In this episode,  Madelyn shares:

  1. How our ego interferes with the true definitions of masculinity and femininity.
  2. Being honest with how we feel in our bodies and making choices that feel.
  3. The importance of protecting our boundaries with others and ourselves.
  4. How we can bridge our internal emotions with our external world.


What you’ll hear:

4:45- The power of intentional creation.

8:15- How we can integrate the masculine and feminine parts of ourselves and create harmony within.   

12:40- Surrendering into our feminine and releasing our perfectionism, overachiever mindset.

22:51- Relinquishing the dependency we have on the weight loss industry and the body positivity movement.

30:17- The mental, physical and energetic struggle disconnection creates in our bodies.

40:10- How we can create an intimate, healthy relationship with money.


You can find more Madelyn of at:


Check out: The Complete Works by Florence Scovel Shinn


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